Starbucks Continues to Exceed Expectations Do you know many individuals who aren't aware of this well-established brand name? Probably not. Starbucks has positioned its name in a nice, little sweet spot with its consumers. That is because its coffee and expresso-based beverages are attractive to affluent consumers who are able to manage the price increases t he chain has implemented within the past 3-4 years. Those who frequently dine out want to visit stylish venues where the positive experience gives customers a sense of value, despite the comparatively high prices. However, despite Starbucks' knowledge of past success, their drive does not stop here. Through innovation in both food and beverages, the company has expanded the times of day when it appeals to customers. They have also taken advantage of new mobile payment technologies as well as older technologies, such as drive-thru windows. While appealing to each type of customer preference, this firm ha...